On Friday Connie called me on her way to our regular physician. She had been having an eye twitch for several days and all of a sudden she got a really sharp pain in her left temple. She was going to shrug it off, but felt compelled to get it looked at. After 15 min on the phone trying to get an appt, she decided to just get up and walk out of work and head over. Of course, our Dr couldn't be seen, as he was leaving early, so she had her blood pressure checked. Her bottom number was abnormally high, so she decided to go across the hall to the insta-care and they ended up doing blood work and ruled out several things, including stroke. They had to send out a vial of blood to a lab because they couldn't do this particular test in-house like all the others (which all checked out fine), and they would call her on Saturday to let her know the results. No results came on Sat and when we got home from church (1pm - 4pm...I know!) there was a message. She called them back and they told her that her CRP and Sedrate's (sp?) were elevated and to go directly to the emergency room and tell them to look at the Temperal Arteritis...whatever that is. After a blessing we left and long story short, she didn't really need to be there. She did not have continuing symptoms and her levels were where they would normally be on a patient on chemotherapy. The doctor still did a few tests to rule everything out. He basically said that if she did have what they thought she might have, the chemotherapy would have been treating it already. We're home now and everything is fine!
We are keeping you all in our prayers. Glad to hear that this all worked out. Connie you are my hero right now!